For some reason pond plants are expensive! Propagating pond plants is very, very easy. Producing your own supply of pond plants is fun and rewarding. It can also be very beneficial. Plants you...
Category: Build
Absolutely. The majority of your pond plants can be planted directly into the rocks and gravel of the pond. This allow them to soak up nitrate and other nutrients directly from the water rather...
Preventing fish from entering your pond skimmer can be a loosing battle. Many species of fish originate from river environments. So they are quite happy when the find the current ripping...
The type of filter you need depends on what type of pond you have. Some ponds need more filtration and some won’t even need any at all. First let’s look at what type of pond you have or would...
Bog filters are incredibly efficient and low maintenance pond filters! In my opinion they are superior to any other biological filter. They are so effective because they are just scaled down...
This list of 40 plants will do great in the vast majority of ponds. Small ponds, big ponds, bog filters and streams. Growing plants directly in the water column helps remove nutrients caused by...