G’day my name is Kev, and I’m pretty much pond crazy!! I live 1 hour East of Melbourne, Australia. I love keeping fish, shrimp, snails and water plants. I find water chemistry and biology fascinating! I’m always learning.
My pond journey began with a simple aquarium for my son. Then an aquarium for me! Then an aquarium for my daughter. We like fish!
The aquariums were a great insight into the world of filtering water and keeping the water healthy naturally.
My very first project with water out in the garden was a grey water wetland. I wanted to keep the grey water which is relatively clean out of our septic system and use it to create a wetland garden.
This project was a success! and it wasn’t long before i was out in the front yard digging a hole for our first pond.
This pond has become a thriving ecosystem, with an abundance of frogs, fish, birds, dragonflies and bees that come down for a quick dip or a drink.
Next up I discovered the world of aquaponics. This is a perfect marriage of keeping fish and growing vegetables.
I then wanted to keep some gold fish but didn’t want to keep them in a small aquarium. So guess what? I built them a pond!!!
This is a nice small 1000 Litre (264gal) pond that sits under the window in our living room. I love looking out the window and seeing the gold fish happily swimming around.
Gardening with water is something I’m really passionate about and want to share with as many like minded people as possible.
The aim of ozponds.com
This website is dedicated to ponds and water gardens. The idea is to create inspiration, information and money saving tips for pond enthusiasts, beginner water gardeners, and pond DIY’s.
I’d love it if you subscribed to my YouTube channel so you can follow along as I build ponds in my backyard, add fish, plant plants and maintain them all.
I Believe deep down everyone enjoys being around water. I’m hoping you will utilise this site to add water into your landscape.
It doesn’t need to be expensive! There is a pond for everyone!
There are so many options available. Ornamental water features, Pond-less waterfalls or streams, Fish ponds, Aquaponic systems, Frog ponds, Wildlife ponds, Refection ponds, Grey-water recycling wetlands, Rainwater gardens, Ecosystem ponds and the ultimate recreation or swim pond.
This website aims to be a resource for all your questions related to water in the garden.
Whats next?
As this site evolves I will continue sharing the things I learn as my water gardening journey moves forward.
I’m running out of room now at my place, I have so many ponds! But I still got a couple of plans for the future.
I’m happy to share what I know with people. This website and my youtube channel is completely free and has heaps of great content that will help you build your own dream yard.
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I promise I won’t spam you, I’ll only send information I think can help you save money building and maintaining a pond.
Latest Posts
- DIY Streams and Waterfalls: Affordable Ways to Transform Your Yard
- The Role of a Breather Pipe in a DIY Bog Filter: Tips and Tricks.
- The Surprising Benefits of Algae in Ponds – and How to Manage It Naturally
- My Favourite Fish and Animals for Ponds in South-East Australia
- Benefits and Best Practices for Using Jets in Your Pond
- Stop Over-Cleaning Your Pond
- 7 Benefits of a Bog Filter
- Exploring Ozone use in Ponds: Balancing Simplicity and Technology
- The Basics of Filtering a Pond: Biological, Mechanical, and Chemical Options