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The Formulas I use to design and build a pond, plus save a ton of money!
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I’m a lazy gardener. Yet I love my garden. I believe I should be able to spend time enjoying my landscape not labouring in it. My ponds are an integral part of the gardens around my home. With...
I currently have 8 ponds I've built around my property. This gives me a good insight into how much a diy pond will cost. Obviously all these different pond projects have varied in price, so let's...
If your pond has fish in it do not turn the pump off at night! However a pond without fish can safely be turned off at night. The main purpose of a pump in a fish pond is to circulate the ponds...
This diy barrel pond was a little project I was able to complete one Saturday. It was a few more weeks before I added the fish as I waited for the pond to “cycle”. But the build itself (basically...
No. It's quite natural for a pond to turn green. It’s natures way of dealing with excess nutrients. Fish produce ammonia when they breathe, their waste (poo) and leaves also produce...
How you circulate your pond water can make a huge difference in how clean and healthy your pond water is. Here are some of the best ways to improve pond circulation: Position the pump to...