Pond Fish

When it comes to pond fish there are tons of options. I love goldfish and koi (although Koi are illegal to keep where I live), both are colourful, pretty easy to care for (although koi get really big!) and they graze on algae (Bonus).

The problem I have is the birds keep eating my goldfish (too easy to spot). So now in my outdoor ponds I only keep native fish, they are much quicker and more camouflaged.

There’s also quite a few small interesting fish suitable for use in small container ponds. You can also keep shrimp and snails! Anyway you can use the links below to check out some of the various options.

Some of these links are affiliate links, that means if you make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

There’s a video below that shows most of the fish I keep in my ponds.

Koi and Goldfish

  • Easy to care for
  • Super interactive
  • Colourful
  • Shipped to your door
  • Develop real personalities

Small fish, Shrimp and Snails

There’s quite a few options for small ponds available online.

The button below will take you to quite a few options on Amazon.

Small Australian Native fish

I buy the majority of my small native fish from Chris, at middle creek farm.

Click the button below to contact Chris. Tell her Kev, from Ozponds sent you.